Coxswain Grade 3 M2 Slides Vessel Definitions Vessel Parts Vessel Orientation & Terminology - Hull Types Vessel Engine Types Pre-start Checks Checking the Boat Additional Supplies Distress Flares EPIRB & Safety Signals Vessel Orientation & Terminology - Batteries Vessel Orientation & Terminology - Fuel Systems Refuelling Steering Bilge Pumps Motors & Engine Checks Vessel Maintenance & Pre-start Checks DON’T OVERLOAD YOUR BOAT Weather Forecast Information Weather Forecast BOM 5 Vital Checks BOM Check the Forecast First How to access and understand the weather – BOM Met Eye (Bar Crusher Boats) Weather Map or Synoptic Charts Waves Wave Height Tides Crossing a Coastal Bar Tidal Range The Gravitational Effect of the Sun & Moon High Tide / Low Tide 12ths Tide Times Tide Tables: Port Times Secondary Port time difference Trip Preparation & Planning Trip Calculations Safety Message from Ergon Energy North QLD Tell someone your trip plan